Since I'm married to a woman from Nepal, I've been slowly trying to learn the language. My first systematic effort at it was to figure out the list of pronouns. No simple "I, you, he, she, they, it"... there's no gender to pronouns, but there are up to four levels of formality or respect.
Perhaps the following list will be of use to someone else trying to learn the language, or to go from Nepali to English. I need to dig up a paper copy I edited a bit, so there may be minor errors on "these" and "those".
intransitive | subject | object | posessive | |||||
Singular | ||||||||
1st person | ma | I | maile | I | mailaai | me | mero | my/mine |
2nd person | ta timi tapaaĩ hajur |
you | taile timile tapaaĩle hajurle |
you | tailaai timilaai tapaaĩlaai hajurlaai |
you | tero timro tapaaĩko hajurko |
your(s) |
3rd person | u uha wahãã |
he/she | usle unle wahããle |
he/she | uslaai unlaai wahããlaai |
him/her | usko unko wahããko |
his/her(s) |
object - this | yo | this/it | yo | this/it | yo | this/it | esco | its |
object - that | teo | that/it | teo | that/it | teo | that/it | tesco | its |
Plural | ||||||||
1st person | haami | we | haamile | we | haamilaai | us | haamro | my/our(s) |
2nd person | timiharu tapaaĩharu hajurharu |
you all | timiharule tapaaĩharule hajurharule |
you all | timiharulaai tapaaĩharulaai hajurharulaai |
you all | timiharuko tapaaĩharuko hajurharuko |
(all) your(s) |
3rd person | uniharu wahããharu |
they | uniharule wahããharule |
they | uniharulaai wahããharulaai |
them | uniharuko wahããharuko |
their(s) |
object - these | yi | they/these | yiniharule | they/these | yiniharulaai | them/these | yinko | their(s) |
object - those | ti | they/those | tiniharule | they/those | tiniharulaai | them/those | tinko | their(s) |